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$ 129,455

Introducing the Jacks Club Jackpot

Become a Jacks Club Legend with one press of a button!

  • One in ten million

    Try your luck and win up to 250,000% of your bet amount! Every bet above $ 0.01 has a one in ten million chance to win the Jackpot.

  • Progressive Jackpot

    The initial jackpot is funded by Jacks Club, and will grow with 0.05% of every amount wagered on the site. Only in house games are eligible to win the Jackpot.

  • Provably Fair

    We will use your client seed, server seed, and nonce to calculate if you have won the jackpot. You can verify the bet via the verify popup.

Previous Jackpot Winners

This is the Hall of Fame for every Jackpot winner

User Date Payout
anglingdharmabos 29 Jun 2024 $ 313.56
camorgue23 19 May 2024 $ 100.63
mustang 10 Apr 2024 $ 52.85
nolucky 2 Apr 2024 $ 29.14
r1lax 12 Mar 2024 $ 25.54

Eligible Games

All in house games are eligible for the Jackpot